With the Central German chemical triangle and the Central German lignite mining area, the region of today’s Saxony-Anhalt already had two industrial centres in the GDR. The reunification brought serious upheavals, old industries disappeared and new ones emerged, including hidden champions: The presented companies belong to the largest companies in Saxony-Anhalt.
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1. IDT Biologika GmbH, Dessau-Roßlau: 213 million euros in sales
The “Bacteriological, Serum and Hygienic Institute” founded in Dessau in 1921 is the nucleus of today’s IDT Biologika company. In 1951, the institute became the “VEB Serum-Werk Dessau”, an important GDR company for veterinary and human vaccines. Further renaming and restructuring followed – after reunification into a limited liability company and under the name “Impfstoffwerk Dessau-Tornau”, or “IDT” for short. This then became today’s IDT Biologika GmbH. The company produces biotechnologically developed vaccines and pharmaceuticals with approximately 1,500 employees. It sees itself as a full-service provider that handles the entire value chain from contract development to production, warehousing and shipping. IDT Biologika is part of the Baden-based pharmaceutical company Klocke.
2. NOVO-TECH GmbH & Co. KG, Aschersleben: 31 million euros in sales
NOVO-TECH is a post-reunification company and was founded in 2005 by building contractor Holger Sasse. The business model consists in the processing of wood waste as wood material. In doing so, the company consciously wants to make an ecological contribution and conserve resources of tropical woods. They are replaced by local raw materials – recycled waste from the sawmill and planing industry. In addition to the “wood business”, NOVO-TECH is also involved in metalworking, toolmaking and plant and mechanical engineering. The activities here are partly aimed at (own) wood processing, partly also beyond that. The company consists of a number of NOVO-TECH companies, which are bundled under the umbrella of Erfurt.Sasse Industry Holding GmbH & Co. KG. NOVO-TECH employs approximately 160 people.
3. Getec Energie Holding GmbH, Magdeburg/Hanover: 1.6 billion euros in sales
Getec Group is a German energy service provider. Getec Energie Holding acts as the corporate umbrella for the group’s six business segments with corresponding subsidiaries. Getec heat & power (Magdeburg) provides engineering and contracting services for industry, municipalities and large properties. Getec Energie (Hanover) provides solutions for all aspects of electricity and gas supply as well as electricity marketing from own generation. Getec net AG (Hanover) operates as an energy supply service provider. Getec green energy AG (Magdeburg) deals with renewable energies. Getec Wärme & Effizient (Magdeburg) is an energy project developer for the real estate industry. Getec media AG (Magdeburg) offers telecom services for the real estate industry. The Getec Group employs almost 1,200 people.
Image source: Unsplash