These Venture Capital Funds are in the Center of the Blockchain Industry

Largest Blockchain Venture Capital Funds Investment Bitcoin

Nowadays, the blockchain technology is one of the topics that many discussions arise about in the tech industry. People expect the blockchain to disrupt whole economic sectors. Even the European Union – which is not known for its innovative spirit – already invested five million euros in the new technology through the “Horizon 2020” initiative. Far more important for blockchain-related startups are two venture capital funds which focus on the topic.

Blockchain Capital

Launched in 2013, Blockchain Capital was (according to itself) the “first VC Fund dedicated to the Bitcoin/Blockchain ecosystem”. The two founders, Bart and Brad Stephens have a background in financial technology, internet security and cryptography. Blockchain Capital’s portfolio includes the most important startups from the sector. For example, Kraken is one of the most important exchanges for digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. Also Coinbase, the most funded blockchain startup, can be found in the VC’s portfolio.

Digital Currency Group

No matter which blockchain startup gets a funding – it is likely that the Digital Curreny Group is one of the investors. The VC calls itself the “epicenter of the bitcoin and blockchain industry”. Barry Silbert, the founder of DCG, also has entrepreneurial experience. He sold his company SecondMarkets to NASDAQ in 2015. DCG is investing in the most relevant blockchain sectors, from exchanges to core infrastructure and identity management. For instance, the Digital Currency Group invested in ABRA, Everledger or Coinbase.

Polychain Capital

Started in September 2016, Polychain Capital invests in digital currencies and assets. The fund managed to raise $10M from the well-known VCs Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures. Founder Olaf Carlson-Wee was also the first employee of Coinbase. He calls Polychain Capital the “world’s premier blockchain asset hedge fund”.

Overview Of The Largest Blockchain Startups

We collected the world’s largest and most influential blockchain startups  in a unique overview. Our list includes descriptions, segmentations, funding details and contact information. Through our overview, you will get to know the most important players of the blockchain landscape within seconds.


Picture Source: Crew

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