Venture capital investor from Berlin – signals Venture capital invests in Zenloop

Venture capital investor from Berlin - signals Venture capital invests in Zenloop

For many years, Berlin has been considered a hotspot of the German start-up scene. Many innovative business models from the digital world have been hatched here. This is also true for Zenloop GmbH, which was launched in the Spree metropolis in 2016. The young company has now received a further 6.1 million euros to finance its growth in a Series A financing round. The investor is signals Venture Capital together with Nauta Capital and Piton Capital – both have been invested in Zenloop since 2019. This article is based on the unique List of the 200 most important venture capital investors Germany.

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Fresh money for international expansion and growth

Zenloop’s business model is entirely focused on e-commerce. However, it is not an online shop operator itself, but wants to offer e-commerce companies digital solutions to systematically evaluate customer feedback. The analysis is carried out by means of “Machine Learning” – an application of artificial intelligence that enables systems to learn independently, generate and optimise knowledge. The Zenloop software is intended to contribute to a better understanding of customer behaviour and to improve customer loyalty.

Nauta Capital and Piton Capital had already contributed 5.2 million euros last year to facilitate Zenloop’s international expansion. Thanks to signals Venture Capital, a further capital injection is now to follow. The venture capital investor from Berlin has a start-up character itself and has only been in existence since 2017. Despite this short time, the company has already been able to raise a venture capital fund of around 100 million euros. signals acts independently, but can rely on the financial backing of the Signal Iduna Group, a leading German universal insurer. The investment focus of signals Ventures capital is on b2b business models with a European orientation – preferably in the areas of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. The Zenloop commitment fits in seamlessly with these models.
Source: Listenchampion Picture source: Unsplash

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Last Updated on 3 years

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