Germany’s Real Estate Market In A Nutshell

german real estate market companies

Last Updated on August 3, 2022

The German real estate market is interesting for several reasons: the economy is booming, the political system ensures legal certainty for property owners and through the refugee crisis and the upcoming Brexit demand for residential and commercial property is high. As a foreign investor, real estate firm or as a supplier for the construction industry, it is essential to know the key facts about the German Real Estate Market.

Where are Germany’s Prime Real Estate Locations?

Especially Germany’s metropolitan areas are essential to the real estate industry. Prime locations are mostly found in:

  • Berlin, capital city and centre of the startup scene
  • Cologne, central to the Ruhr district, many industrial companies
  • Dusseldorf, famous for fashion and art
  • Frankfurt, financial industry
  • Hamburg, trade centre and hotspot of creative industry
  • Munich, automotive industry, culture, travel
  • Stuttgart, automotive industry

Residential and office construction is lagging behind the increase in demand for years. As a consequence, rents and thereby property prices are increasing from year to year in these cities. First occupancy residential rents are highest in Munich, with 17€ per sqm. For the next years, rents are expected to increase between 2-3% per year. As office space is scarce, prime rents for office space were 34,7€ per sqm on average in Munich.

Which companies are essential to Germany’s Real Estate Industry?

Of course, many international key players like CBRE or JLS have branches in Germany. But there are various quite a few German real estate companies which should be known:

Also worth a mention: More than 100 promising Proptech startups like Exporo, shareDnC or Drooms are active on the German market.

Lists of the most important players of Germany’s Real Estate Market

There are two ways to get to know specific companies: Either get our lists (see below) or write us through our live chat. We have close relations with many of Germany’s most important firms of the real estate market – so simply drop us a line and we will see how we can help you.

[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design05″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#f4f4f4″ color_txt_main=”#000000″ color_bg_highlight=”#6d3640″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”Investors” package_sub_heading=”REIT, Investment Funds, Institutional Investors” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-money” icon_size=”44″ icon_color=”#6d3640″ icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” use_cta_btn=”true” package_btn_text=”Get the List!” package_link=”|||” features_min_ht=”350″]More than 150 firms which are investing in the German real estate market.[/ultimate_info_table]
[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design05″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#f4f4f4″ color_txt_main=”#000000″ color_bg_highlight=”#6d3640″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”Property Developers” package_sub_heading=”Development of Prime Real Estate Projects” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-signal” icon_size=”44″ icon_color=”#6d3640″ icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” use_cta_btn=”true” package_btn_text=”Get the List!” package_link=”|||” features_min_ht=”350″]Germany’s leading 750 property developers.[/ultimate_info_table]
[ultimate_info_table design_style=”design05″ color_scheme=”custom” color_bg_main=”#f4f4f4″ color_txt_main=”#000000″ color_bg_highlight=”#6d3640″ color_txt_highlight=”#ffffff” package_heading=”Construction Firms” package_sub_heading=”Building Companies” icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-signal” icon_size=”44″ icon_color=”#6d3640″ icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” use_cta_btn=”true” package_btn_text=”Get the List!” package_link=”|||” features_min_ht=”350″]The 100 most important German construction companies.[/ultimate_info_table]
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