List of the 3 Largest Medical Technology Companies in Bavaria

List of the 3 largest medical technology companies in Bavaria

Medical technology is an important industrial sector in Bavaria. More than 1,000 companies with about 80,000 jobs are active in this field. About one-third of German medical technology products come from Bavaria. In terms of sales, the industry is on par with France or Italy. Here are the 3 largest Bavarian suppliers.

These are also part of our list of the top 100 medical technology companies in Germany.

  • Excel list of the 100 top-selling German medical technology companies for download
  • Including: sales (2015-2018), number of employees, e-mail, address, telephone number, management, etc.
  • Detailed information on the field of activity (orthopaedics, surgical instruments, implants, laser, centrifuges, ventilation technology, diagnostics, etc.)
  • Download of the Excel file valid indefinitely, free updates within one year after purchase, free preview file available
  • Last update: 07.05.2020

1st place: Siemens Healthineers AG, Erlangen: 14.5 billion euros turnover (2019)

From the English words “healthcare”, “engineer”, and “pioneer”, Siemens coined “healthineers” for its medical technology division. With approximately 50,000 employees in 75 countries, Siemens Healthineers forms a subgroup within the Siemens Group and is one of the largest medical technology manufacturers in Germany. The company is one of the TOP 10 MedTech suppliers worldwide. Devices and systems for diagnostics, radiation, and particle therapy are the main focus of the product portfolio.

2nd place: Arthrex GmbH, Munich: 2.1 billion dollars turnover (estimated for group)

Arthrex was founded in Munich in 1981 and is now based in Naples (Florida). The EMEA headquarters of the group, Arthrex GmbH, is still located in Munich. The company has around 4,500 employees worldwide. The medical technology portfolio includes imaging procedures, arthroscopy, and prostheses and implants for use in trauma surgery, sports medicine, and joint prosthetics.

3rd place: Brainlab AG, Munich: 275 million euros in sales (2018)

Brainlab was founded in 1989 and is active in the field of medical informatics. The company develops hardware and software solutions for medical applications and they also created an important navigation system for brain surgery. One of their other focusses is on imaging techniques for applications in oncology and surgery. The Brainlab Group employs more than 1,300 people and is a global leader in imaging technologies.

Picture source: Jonathan Borba

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Last Updated on 3 years

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